Post by Todd HPost by spiderI am a drummer that sings backgroup vocals. The lead singer keeps
hearing my drums through his monitor and I am looking for advice on
how to gate my mic to keep it from picking up my drums. I use a
wireless headset and an acoustic drumset.
Rolls MS111 - Mic Switch On/Off
or... if you want something automatic, you want a noise gate. But be
advised that you'll have to play with the thresholds, and may have to
deal with the realities that singing quiet and the SPL of a cymbal
nearby are probably pretty close in intensity. If you set threshold
too low, singer may be annoyed with gate opening during cymbal
crashes, set it too high, gate may not open when you're singing
quieter, or may have an exagerated delay in opening. I suspect you'll
get it figured out and it'll work great though. Bonus: also
increases gain before feedback on stage.
3 more channels than ya need, but price is right:
Behringer XR4400 Multigate Pro
Todd H