I use the tri-flange type inserts cause I'm too damn cheap to pay for a
second set of molds. The nite they went out it was, I thought, dead silence.
A better listen produced a crackeling noise in the right bud; left was dead.
That's when I thought I'd fried them with sweat, which is a bit
disappointing that tahts a possiblity in the first place. A few days later,
after drying out (I guess), the right bud worked fine and the left was very,
very faint.
Chris suggested the cleaningidea, and to be tryful, they didn't look bad at
all. I clean the tri-flanges often and check the bud at that time.
I called Shure and they wanted me to send them in for replacement, but also
suggested the cleaning route first. Well, out came my trusty sewing needle,
eye end first of course, (what, do you think I'm idiot?) and when I stuck in
the canal it hit an obstruction. I thought I'd hit the mother load of wax.
Then it dawned on me that that obstuction may be shures idea and that it is
supposed to be there. A second call to shure confirmed that indeed that tiny
membrane is to be left intact. Shit!! However, the IEM as functional well.
At least well enough that I don't hear the difference in tone quality
between L&R. It just occured to me that, if that membrane is in place, how
does sweat get past to fry the driver? Hmmmmmm..
J Wald
"Can't do it Sally"
Tom Hagen
Godfather I
Post by Chris MililloPost by JWaldMy E5's took a shit on a gig saturday nite. At first I thought my amp
went, then I figured it was the ears themselves. I was sweating up a
storm, but that shouldn't kill 'em should it? My backups got me though the
gig, but damn, I don't think they should have gone like that. I took them
out tonight for a look see and found the right to be working fine, but the
left is very faint. Next stop is a call to shure.
J Wald
Ear wax. Clean them out before you panic. I actually sent my first pair of
E5s back to Shure. They gave me a new set, but I later realized that ear wax
build-up can render IEM completely useless.
Yup...I've had it happen to me a couple of times. First thought is
that the IEMs went out. Feel stupid once you realize they're just
nasty dirty...