retarded your posts are. If I ever try to think of what goes on inside
your pea brain the only vision I get is one of a skull full of maggots.
You are a human cancer and a waste of oxygen.
Post by Jimmy DeanOhhhh, surprise ha? Who the hell wants to hang with disgusting liberal
pukes who voted for a charlatan in disguise? Carl Marx would be proud of
you morons.
I know you all think you're special and all knowing because you might
have a smattering
of artistic talent but quite the opposite is true.
That's why Pat left. He thinks he's better then all of you.
Would you really expect anything less from a bunch of egotistical
morons? Some day you might wake up and realize your just ordinary people
people who think they can play drums rather then your special, smarter
and better and smarter then everyone. I'm sure you will make all kinds
of other excuses why posting is down but unfortunately many other groups
are thriving. No one wants to hear your hypocritical liberal pabulum. If
all that is not bad enough not a one you losers will admit that you got
duped by Obama let alone bad mouth him even though he is fastracking
his socialist agenda right up your stupid arse.
The guy has spent more money in 6 months then the last 5 presidents
combined. Intelligent people can't be in the same room with such
stupidity. What you morons fail to realize is that the only real
equality and success that exists is that you create. Even in a
socialist system losers like Wobbie shoe would still be a loser and
smart people like me would be the ones who gain. People are leaving here
because the IQ is dropping. You're not even good liberals.
Most of you are Lilliputian wanabe little Hitler's. The good liberals
from the old school were against terony and massive government takeover
and would defend to the death the opposing persons right to say it.
Have a nice day.
Post by FastLundyWow...
Only 97 posts in RMMP in June. That's the lowest since the 83 posts
in July 1993.
Thank you to the 20-25 people out there who are keeping this going!
(except for Dennis)
Happy July 4th weekend.