Post by Pete PembertonI've played Ludwig speed pedals for 30 + years. Never had anything else. My
leg is not as strong as it used to be when I was younger but I still like
fast double kicks. Is there another pedal that I should be looking at that
is fast with out a lot of effort?
I don't know why you'd want to keep playing a Squeak King, but they do
make reissues. I recall seeing a reissue pedal on the counter in a
drum store a while back. I gingerly poked at the footboard with my
finger and the beater swung forward and the pedal let out with a huge
squeak! I thought I was going to die laughing!
Post by Pete PembertonLots of pedals are faster. Look at Pearl Eliminator or the new Demon,
Axis Pedals, Iron Cobra.
I use the dw5000 and have for years, and they work for me.
Petey is right and to expand on what he said: You have to choose your
own pedal. I've got a DW 5000 and I consider it the "standard" by
which you judge other pedals. Never the best, but always good
enough! The Eliminator is VERY fast and has the cam thing to change
the feel. Since the speed king is a link type pedal you may find the
feel of a chain-sprocket pedal not to your liking. The cam will help
eliminate some of that sprocket feel. An iron cobra is a chain pedal
heavier than the eliminator and more like a DW5000 but faster than the
the DW. They are very much like my standard "heavy" pedal which is a
vintage Gibalter intruder double modified with an Axis drive rod. If
you are into loud and powerful bass the Cobra will do it. The fastest
pedal of all is the Axis. Yes, I own one of those too. They are a link-
drive pedal like the Speed King so that is probably a plus for the
feel for you. On some models the link is adjustable. They are
extremely fast and light but I find because of the light feel it is
hard to get thunderous bass out of like it you can with a Cobra or DW
5000. Some of these pedals (not the axis) come in both chain and strap
versions. I personally find little difference, but some people think
the strap models are faster while the chain models are louder.
You just gotta try em. I own a variety of pedals and I don't think
that one pedal fits all situations. (unless you only play one
situation) We can't tell you what has the "right" feel for you. Try
em all. Pick the one you like.
Good Luck.