Post by Steve TurnerPost by Sean ConollyPost by John DoeObviously being able to keep time helps (although I get this
weird but familiar feeling that somebody is going to say that
keeping time is a ridiculous measure).
Not at all, having solid time is one of the fundamentals of
playing, along with consistent tone, and volume, speed, etc.
But as a player you should be more concerned about the groove
than keeping perfect time, even though perfect time can be part
of the groove. The big exception is being able to keep perfect
time with a click in the studio, because it's required so all
of the tracks will match.
Yes you do have to extremely good time to play with a click
track, because you can't hear the click if you're on top of it.
If you can hear the click while you're playing, then you're off
Post by John DoeIs keeping time used to practice drumming? It would be an
objective measure. Is there ever such a contest to see who can
keep the best time? If so, who is/was the best? I'm a layman.
For all I know, professional drummers could keep time forever,
so the point would be moot. Otherwise, I would like to know.
Mainly curious.
A good tool to practice with if you really want to work on time
keeping is a Russian Dragon. You plug a metronome or click
track into it and then you play along, it shows you on a
display how far ahead or behind the click you are. Now that I
think about it, I have one around here somewhere and I know
a young drummer who could really use it. Lets see, it was in
one of those boxes about eight years ago...
To me, all the typical drumming "contests" (like the "fastest
drummer", etc) are meaningless in the real world.
No, of course not.
Post by Steve TurnerWhat would be more impressive to me would
be for a drummer to be given a random tempo (say 106) and a specific amount of
time (say three minutes), then to begin playing at that tempo without any
outside assistance and be measured against it. The drummer who keeps the most
consistent and accurate time wins. Boring for sure, but that's the kind of
talent most band leaders would appreciate.
Any given amount of traffic flow, no matter how
sparse, will expand to fill all available lanes.
To reply, eat the taco.
From: Steve Turner <bbqboyee>
Subject: Re: Best drummer at keeping time?
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2012 20:45:17 -0600
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